Stephen's Place

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How to Make Pinecone Bird Feeders

Pinecone bird feeder DIY

Pinecone Bird Feeders

DIY pinecone bird feeders are great for all levels of mobility. If you have a child at home or a group of adults with cerebral palsy, TBI, autism, Fragile X, Downs Syndrome, or any intellectual or developmental disability that may affect their range of motion, this is an easy yet satisfying activity for most folks.

This pinecone bird feeder activity serves lots of purposes. With this DIY craft, you're feeding the birds while engaging in a fun activity for all and you get all the fun of watching and identifying wild birds as they visit your pinecone feeder.

At Stephen's Place, our residents love making pinecone bird feeders year after year. We also enjoy overwintering our garden by making Bug Hotels.

To make a pinecone bird feeder, you will need: 

  • 1 large pinecone
  • Peanut butter
  • Birdseed
  • Shallow container, tray or baking dish 
  • Butter knife or spatula
  • A piece of string or ribbon


  1. Empty some birdseed into your shallow container.
  2. Cover your pinecone in peanut butter, making sure to smoosh it into the crevices in between the pine needles.
  3. Roll the peanut-butter-laden pinecone in the seeds to give it a good coat.
  4. Tie string or ribbon to the top of the pinecone and form a loop to hang your feeder up outside.

Now you can watch the birds as they check out the buffet you made them! For more activities and news, please click on one of the posts below or use the search bar at the top right of the News page to find more interesting articles.